Your Safeguarding Team

The role of the safeguarding team is to keep students and staff safe.

  • Mrs G. Brailsford (Designated Safeguarding Lead) can be contacted via 01623-980055 or by email:
  • Miss C. McKeegan (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead) can be contacted via 01623-980055 or by email:

Our Heads of year are also trained as alternate DSLs

  • Mr R. Carlin, Mrs J. Durrant, Mr C. Hawkins, Mrs C. Little, and Mrs A. Finn.


Miss G. Walters

Assistant SENDco – Miss O’Sullivan

Designated teacher for Children in Care

Miss G. Walters

Strategic Attendance Lead

Mr B. Jones – Assistant Principal

Mrs C. Mellor – Attendance Administrator

Safeguarding Governor

Mr S. Gardner

Chair of Governors

Mr P. Edwards

Your Mental Health First Aiders

Students can request to see a mental health first aider.

  • Mr J Rutter

I want to talk

Students can submit the ‘I Want To Talk’ form on the school website and a member of staff will speak to them in school (usually the Assistant Head of Year). The form can be submitted at any time and the staff member will seek out the student once school day begins.

If you are concerned about a member of staff or volunteer:

If your concern is about a member of staff or volunteer please report your concern to the Principal, Mr Lewis Taylor.  If your concern is about the Principal please report your concern to the Director of Secondary Education, Mr Garry Trott