DfE Performance Tables

Please note that this link can also be used to compare schools performance on the DFE compare schools website.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, students did not sit external examinations in Summer 2021. Results awarded to students in 2021 were Teacher Assessed Grades submitted by teachers to the examination boards. The grades submitted were subject to a rigorous moderation process across our trust and reflect realistic levels of improvement expected in our academy.

KS4 Results

Number of Students109112118110148152
Attainment 840.743.042.5339.4738.536.3
Progress 8*-0.06-0.250.18-0.38-0.24-0.45
Progress 8 Disadvantaged*-0.51-3.9-0.2-0.79-0.71-0.82
Basics (English & Maths) 9-456%62%53%54%50%39.5%
Basics (English & Maths) 9-527%29%34%35%26%23%
Ebacc Entries62%65%59%53%66%49.3%
Ebacc APS3.524.03.683.533.243.24

*Due to no national data being available for 2020 and 2021, progress 8 figures for these years are calculated against 2019 national results.

DfE KS4 Performance Tables

KS5 Results

A Levels20192020202120222023
Average result27.3528.935.3734.8129.6
Average result (grade)C-CCC+C
Average result26.7928.0035.6734.8129.6
Average result (grade)C-CCC+C
Applied General20192020202120222023
Average result28.1326.330.029.037.69
Average result (grade)MeritMeritMeritMerit +Distinction+

DfE KS5 Performance Tables


Student destinations – after KS4 (2021 leavers)

Breakdown of all students School / college Local authority England
Number of students 119 8,250 576,305
Students staying in education 91% 93% 94%
Students entering apprenticeships 4% 5% 3%
Students entering employment 5% 4% 4%
Students not in education or employment for at least two terms after study 8% 6% 5%
Destination unknown 2% 1% 1%

Student destinations – after 16 to 18 (2021 leavers)

Breakdown of all students School / college Local authority England
Number of students 30 4,113 436,400
Students staying in education 53% 54% 51%
Students entering apprenticeships 0% 9% 7%
Students entering employment 17% 24% 24%
Students not in education or employment for at least two terms after study 20% 11% 13%
Destination unknown 10% 3% 5%