Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance at Sutton Community Academy
“Don’t tell us what to do, but be with us for the journey”
Whilst Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) is a critical part of a student’s education whilst at school, the conversations and learning that happen at home are the most influential on students and the decisions they make. The information contained in the Careers section of the school website should be both informative and supportive, in helping you to understand what CEIAG is available to students in school, but also with a variety of ways for you to support independent research and encourage conversations about careers and next steps.
In school
Through a wide variety of activities, lessons, visits and one-to-one career appointments, students are able to gain valuable knowledge about jobs and courses that may be of interest to them at various stages throughout their life.
Our dedicated Careers Advisor is available in school to provide the support students need to help them make a well-informed, realistic decisions about what to do after leaving Sutton Community Academy and to help students think further ahead about what they may wish to do in the future.
We also have a well-stocked careers corner which students can access at any time, located in the library. It contains a wealth of resources for students to access including college/sixth form prospectuses, university prospectuses, apprenticeship booklets and information and more. There is also information on upcoming events or opportunities, open days and any other information which we would deem useful.
As a school we welcome contact from any organisations and training providers who may wish to come in and speak with our students, this may be through assemblies, workshops/activities or classroom sessions. Please see our provider access policy (contained within our CEIAG Policy) for more information.
At home
Please encourage your child to regularly access their Unifrog ( account where they can find a wealth of targeted resources and use the tools to help research different job sectors, subjects, universities or apprenticeships.
The Parents’ Guide to helping your child know ‘What’s Next’
The Parents’ Guide to helping your child know ‘What’s Next’ is a useful document for parents of young people in all year groups. This guide includes information on how your children can:
- Decide which subjects to study next;
- Understand apprenticeships;
- Select the right university and the UCAS application process;
- Write a personal statement; and
- Other options if academic learning is not for them.
Parent Guide 2020 – Success at School
Success at School have released another useful guide, this one is suitable for parents/carers of students in all year groups. The guide supports you with helping your child to think about what they enjoy and what they may like to do in the future, it also helps you to learn more about the different opportunities that are available to your child, and provides helpful information and support!
Parent Guides to Higher Education
These guides have been produced by local providers, to help parents learn more about the opportunities available for their child to study in Higher Education. These discuss more than just the traditional university route, and will be useful for all parents!
Parent Guide for students in Years 7-11
Parent Guide for students in Years 12-13
If you have any questions or comments about the CEIAG in school or how you can support your child with their research at home, please contact our Careers Advisor: , 01623 980055.
Our Careers information will be reviewed in Autumn 2024.