Principal | Mr P. Butterell |
Vice Principal | Mr R. Fegan |
Vice Principal | Mr L. Taylor |
Assistant Principal | Mr S. Lee |
Assistant Principal | Miss A. Paulson |
Associate Assistant Principal | Miss G. Walters |
Leaders of Learning and Achievement
Year 7 LoLA | Mr R. Carlin |
Year 8 LoLA | Mr J. Fowler |
Year 9 LoLA | Mr C. Goulding |
Year 10 LoLA | Mrs J. Durrant |
Year 11 LoLA | Mrs C. Little |
Year 11 Support LoLA | Mr B. Marshall |
Year 12/13 LoLA | Ms A. Finn |
Safeguarding Staff
These are the best people to talk to if you have a safeguarding concern about a child. Our LoLAs are also safeguarding trained.
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) | Miss G. Walters | |
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) | Miss C. McKeegan | |