Trust Policies

Many of our policies are consistent across our Trust. You can access these policies via the GVO policy viewer by clicking here. Scroll down to see policies that are local to our academy.

Local Policies

Some policies contain information that is specific to our academy. You can access these policies via the GVO policy viewer by clicking here.


Academy Transformation Trust serves as the Admissions Authority for all of its academies. For further details, click on the links below.

Admissions Policy for 2023/2024

Admissions Policy for 2024/2025

Admissions Policy For 2025/2026

How to apply

If you would like to apply to our academy as part of the ‘normal’ admissions round (Year 7 or 12), then please do so via the Nottinghamshire Local Authority. Please see our policy for details of how to apply in-year. Details of the application process can be found by clicking below:

Nottinghamshire County Council