Welcome to Sutton Community Academy

We are delighted that you are considering joining Sutton Community Academy in September 2025.

Sutton Community Academy is a Good School – Ofsted – April 2022

We are currently on an exciting journey and have made significant and tangible improvements across the school. The senior leadership team are working in partnership with our expert teachers and support staff to ensure we continue to raise standards.

Your child is joining us at exciting time of change as we seek to unlock excellence in all we do. As part of this, we are delighted with our state-of-the-art departmental facilities in Science and Humanities, along with our brand-new Art & Photography rooms.   We are in the process of a multi-million pound theatre transformation with state-of-the-art staging, seating, dressing rooms and a green room.

Ultimately, our vision is for your child to leave us able and qualified to play their full part in an ever-changing world, through an ambitious, creative and innovative curriculum. We will empower students with the skills, knowledge, and attributes to allow them to succeed with the challenges of life beyond their time at school.

Transition FAQs

Each day starts with a tutor session at 8.40. Arrival at the academy is from 8.30 everyday. We have 4 lessons a day and 2 breaks:

8.30 – 9.00 Period 1
9.00 – 10.15 Period 2
10.15 – 11.30 Period 3
11.30 – 12.00 Break 1
12.00 – 1.15 Period 4
1.15 – 1.45 Break 2
1.45 – 3.00 Period 5

In response to parental feedback regarding accessibility and cost of school uniform, our chosen uniform supplier is Uniform Direct, as they offer considerably discounted uniform which is manufactured by them, ensuring quality and consistency.

Uniform can be purchased via the link:  https://www.uniform-direct.com/acatalog/Sutton-Community-Academy.html.  Postage is free for orders over £29 and all returns are free via returns label.

Uniform Direct are committed to providing sizing help for all shapes and sizes via their online customer support team or by telephoning 01522-568865.

A parent’s guide to buying uniform, price list and cut out tape measure are available on our website:  https://www.suttonacademy.attrust.org.uk/parents/uniform-equipment/.

If you have any further queries regarding uniform, please contact the academy reception.

Uniform is very important. By adhering to a strong uniform policy, we prevent parents wasting money on expensive items of clothing, which can themselves become vehicles for bullying and exclusion from groups.

All of our details about uniform, haircuts and jewellery can be found on our website here and are strictly enforced.

We make no apologies for having high standards for our students.

We believe a strong relationship with our parents / carers is a vital component of ensuring that every child can achieve their potential. Regular communication is an important part of this process.

In school we use ‘ClassCharts’ to monitor and record behaviour and achievement points. As a parent/carer you are able to download the ‘ClassCharts Parents’ app from any app store. If you do not have a smartphone, the system can also be accessed via the ClassCharts website.

The app contains information on behaviour, achievements, attendance, detentions and homework.  The ‘ClassChart’s messaging facility is a two-way communication between parents and staff and can be accessed via the messages tab.

In September, you will be issued with an Access Code to set up your device with your child’s account.

For general communications we make use of the following channels:

  • ‘ClassCharts’ communication
  • Regular updates in the ‘Latest News’ area of our website.
  • Regular updates and news via our social media channels – Twitter: @suttonacademy / Facebook
  • Formal Parents’ / Carers evenings.
  • Phone calls/Text messages/email – Please ensure we have up to date contact details at all times.
  • Face to face meetings at the Academy, when appropriate.

We will be providing all Year 7 students with a free dinner on their first day.

Students are safe at SCA. The safeguarding of our young people is our priority. Staff undertake regular training to ensure the latest statutory guidance is implemented to ensure student safety and there are a number of systems and protocols in place, all supported by a highly effective safeguarding team.

Through the morning tutor time sessions and timetabled PSHCE lessons, all students receive a comprehensive curriculum including but not limited to:

  • Internet Safety
  • RSE / CSE
  • Sex Education
  • Grooming and Radicalisation

We have an extensive range of extra-curricular opportunities, we routinely offer our students:

  • Year 7 team-building adventure days.
  • A range of sports clubs and the opportunity to represent the academy in competitive sport.
  • A full range of performing arts opportunities – productions, choir, talent shows, instrument lessons.
  • Sports Day at world class venue – The English Institute of Sport in Sheffield.
  • PRIDE group.
  • A range of trips including skiing in Italy and improving schools in St Lucia!
  • Careers trips to university and other providers, mock interviews, work experience, community placements – experiences to develop employability skills.
  • The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.
  • Book Club.

SCA follows national curriculum expectations in terms of the subjects offered. This means that English, Maths, Science, Languages, Humanities, PE, Art, DT and Performing Arts are all included in the student curriculum.

We are fortunate to have some great facilities and talented teachers, so this means that we are further able to offer subjects such as Photography, Forensic Science and Construction at GCSE and Sixth Form.

Bullying is an unfortunate feature of wider society. Within our school community we share the importance of not tolerating any behaviours which make us feel uncomfortable. Because messages are so well understood by our students, we are able to act swiftly to resolve issues, though few arise. Mobile phone use is not allowed.

Students can choose to have their fingerprint taken or will be given a 6 digit pin number and shown how to use it and how to access the canteen.

Students in receipt of the Free School Meals entitlement will automatically then be able to receive their food. For other students who wish to use the canteen, credit will need to be uploaded via the ‘My Child at School’ app.

We offer a range of hot and cold foods from traditional school meals, pasta dishes to sandwiches and snacks.

Please check back for 2025 dates!

Meet Your Tutor Evening – date TBC

Meet Your Tutor Evening takes place in the academy Theatre.

It is important that you attend this meeting so your child is familiar with their tutor and members of their tutor group.  Please contact the academy if you cannot attend this session and the tutor will be in contact after the event.

Transition Days – TBC

To ensure your child is fully confident about starting our school in September we expect all our Year 6 students to attend Sutton Community Academy for these three days.  They will get to meet their tutor, familiarise themselves with the school and take part in a range of fun, interesting lessons.

September Start Date

Year 7 students will join the academy on Tuesday 2nd September 2024 (TBC) where students will spend the day with their tutor and tutor groups.

Year 7 Camp/Activity Days


Sutton Community Academy is a good school – Ofsted – April 2022

The Ofsted report can be read here


Our safeguarding team is on hand to keep all students and staff safe.

  • Miss G. Brailsford (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
  • Miss C. McKeegan (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Our (Heads of Year) are also trained as alternate DSLs

  • Mr R. Carlin, Mr W. Limb, Mrs C. Little, Mr C. Hawkins, Mrs J. Durrant

Our Designated SENCo is: Miss G. Walters

Designated teacher for Children in Care is: Miss G. Walters


Our Attendance Lead is Mrs C Mellor.

The fullest attendance possible is essential as quality first teaching can only take place if the child is in school. Where a child needs to be absent due to illness, parents/carers should ring the academy on 01623 980055 ext: 5135.

Where absence for a medical appointment is known about in advance it would be helpful if the parent would notify the school in advance by telephone, email or ClassCharts

More information regarding all things attendance can be found here.