Our Curriculum for Core PE at Sutton Community Academy is designed to enable all students to develop a range of skills of knowledge through a broad offer of physical education.

This offer is strengthened further through extra-curricular physical activity for both participation and competition outcomes.

Our curriculum is designed around seven MYPB targets which students have the opportunity to develop over the five years of CORE PE. These skills will lead students towards long term success and happiness beyond the academy.

Projects for specific groups of students remove barriers and increase participation.

Throughout the five years of CORE PE, an understanding of how physical activity contributes to lifelong, fitness wellbeing and health underpins our curriculum and extra-curricular provision and enables students to confidently remain active into adulthood

Physical Education at Key Stage 4

Our curriculum for examination PE at SCA is inspirational with a core purpose of raising achievement for students

There is transitional period within KS3 where important themes are unpicked and assessed to allow skills to develop prior to KS4 examination PE

Our curriculum is carefully designed to inspire students taking the subject so that so that they develop a love for learning which continues beyond the academy

Roadmaps for KS3 Physical Education can be found here:

Year 7 Roadmap

Year 8 Roadmap

Year 9 Roadmap

Roadmaps for KS4 Physical Education can be found here:

Year 10 Roadmap

Year 11 Roadmap

Our 6th Form Roadmap can be found here